Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pre-Conference Workshop: In Depth Details!

The lack of culturally appropriate and respectful health services creates a gap in the continuity of care for Aboriginal people. Disrespectful treatment and the imposed western model that shape indigenous peoples' experiences with the health care system is a significant barrier to health equity.

Health services for Aboriginal communities need to provide respectful care that is based on a community framework of health. Strategies to meet these goals include applying indigenous concepts of health and wellness in health care policy and practices, including integrating traditional health and healing knowledge to inform service delivery.

The workshop will include presentations from experts in the field as well as from health programs that bring together service providers and communities to provide culturally safe models of care. The aim of this workshop is to:

·         Discuss practical and ethical issues in providing culturally safe health services

·         Increase accessibility of knowledge on issues and practices in cultural safety

·         Discuss strategies for creating culturally safe health services through examples

·         Identify community-based research priorities to examine culturally safe health care

·         Facilitate the creation of materials to support culturally safe care

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